Vision, Mission and Profile of Graduates

Vision, Mission and Profile of Graduates


 1) Clear, realistic and credible vision

By referring to the Usakti VMTS Specific Quality Standard guideline, the VMTS FEB Trisakti University has been formulated in a clear, realistic and credible manner.

FEB Usakti’s vision is“Becoming a reliable faculty, with international standards while still paying attention to local values ​​in developing science to improve the nation’s quality of life.”

In line with the Faculty’s vision, the scientific vision of the Bachelor of Management Study Program is to develop knowledge in the field of Management to improve the quality of life.

Reliable aspect in the vision of FEB interpreted as a quality that shows the level of trust of stakeholders at the national and international levels in the quality of FEB Usakti. This is evidenced, among other things, by the accreditation of institutions and study programs, the achievements in the fields of education, research and community service, the important position of alumni in companies/private and government, having good cooperation at the national and international levels, and having a quality culture which is also documented.

International standard implies that the Tridharma Higher Education activities at FEB Usakti are aimed at developing global competitiveness, by always paying attention to the direction of development and international economic and business conditions. The strategy includes organizing study program management that refers to FIBAA qualifications, AUN-QA certification, and ISO 9001. This internationalization of FEB also includes organizing International Class Programs, International Cooperation which is quite varied such as lecturer and student exchanges, student achievements at the international level , as well as the implementation of Tridharma and other supporting activities at the international level.

Paying attention to local values ​​means that FEB Usakti continues to pay attention to local cultural values ​​that are owned by the Indonesian people and residents of the Trisakti University campus. These local values ​​are reflected in Trisakti University’s Trikrama values ​​including Piety, Diligence, Skilled, and Sharpening, Compassionate, Fostering and Satria, Faithful, Sportive in carrying out tridharma activities. Trikrama’s values ​​cover three domains, namely: 1) the realm of human relations with God; 2) the realm of interpersonal relations; and 3) the realm of human relations with nature. Accommodation of local values ​​in these three domains is in the form of Religion, Ethics, Citizenship, Cultural Arts, Poverty Alleviation, KUM ITT, Sustainable Business, Corporate Governance and Sustainable Accounting courses.

Improving the quality of life of the nation implies that the ultimate goal of organizing higher education at FEB Usakti is to return to the community the results of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education that are reliable and international standard, namely the creation of an increasing quality of life for the Indonesian nation that is on par with other nations in the world. world, while remaining based on local values. Some evidence of FEB Usakti’s efforts in improving the nation’s quality of life can be seen from the PKM activities and the KUM ITT program.

 2) Vision Review and Evaluation

Based on the Usakti Chancellor’s Policy Regulation No. 8 of 2022, FEB and Prodi (including Management S1 study program) conduct a vision review and evaluation. The vision review process is carried out by taking into account the interests of internal and external stakeholders. The stage begins with forming an evaluation team consisting of the Dean and vice deans, Head of Study Program, Study Program Secretary, Course Coordinator, Deputy Lecturer and Deputy Tendik. The team will evaluate the Vision based on internal documents such as Statutes, Trisakti University Development Master Plan (RIP) 2014-2030 and University Vision as well as a number of external documents referring to Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards and Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and the Management of Higher Education. Faculties and Study Programs also regularly hold meetings with stakeholders to solicit input and ideas as material for reviewing and evaluating visions. The results of the Vision evaluation are then submitted to the Faculty Senate Meeting for approval. The vision that has been endorsed by the Faculty Senate is then used and implemented effectively and efficiently as the basis for setting the goals, objectives and strategies for the Faculty and Study Program (including the Bachelor of Management study program).

3) Vision Socialization

 In order for the Vision to be able to foster commitment and energy, provide meaning and become a standard of performance, the FEB Vision and Usakti Management Study Program will then be socialized to all stakeholders on an ongoing basis so that all stakeholders can understand and support it in its implementation. This socialization is carried out by the Faculty Leaders as well as the Head of the Study Program and their staff at every opportunity that is formal and informal in both oral and written ways. Dissemination to stakeholders, among others, is carried out through various forums and media such as meetings, for example, the beginning of the semester meeting, work program meetings, subject group coordination meetings, and also informal meetings such asgathering, through announcement boards (banners/posters), faculty magazines and Trisakti University campus bulletins. In addition, outreach to the wider community including graduate users/employers, industry, government agencies, professional associations, parents of students is carried out through the website., agenda books, Trisakti University calendars, and meetings for new students/student parents.

4) Mechanisms for drafting and establishing a documented vision

In accordance with Usakti Chancellor’s Regulation no. 8 of 2022, the mechanism for preparing the FEB Usakti Vision and the S1 Management Study Program vision has involved stakeholders (stakeholders) which includes lecturers, employees, alumni, and graduate users. The stages in preparing the FEB Usakti Vision began with the formation of the drafting team. The vision drafting team was determined through a Letter of Assignment of the Dean of FEB Usakti which consisted of the Dean and Deputy Deans, Chair and Secretary of the Study Program, Lecturer Representatives, and Education Staff. The Dean of FEB Usakti and the drafting team formulated a realistic Vision for internal capabilities, taking into account external conditions, and developments in science and technology and consistent with the Vision of Trisakti University.

The basis for conducting an external environment analysis is to conductbenchmark to various educational institutions including the University of Indonesia, Airlangga University, Padjadjaran University and Telkom University. In addition, FEB Usakti also held meetings with graduate users, associations, alumni, academics and several universities (PT) in the ASEAN region such as the University of Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, UITM, and University of Prince Songkla Thailand.

Meetings with graduate and alumni users are held regularly to obtain input. In addition to input that pays attention to the development needs of graduate and alumni users, the formulation of the Vision accommodates regulatory developments from the Government such as regulations related to curriculum basedoutcome (Outcome-Based Education/OBE) and the Policy on MBKM (Freedom Learns Independent Campus). Afterdraft The vision is complete, the drafting team submits it to the FEB Usakti Senate meeting for ratification. The process of preparing the vision is documented in the form of meeting minutes, reports on comparative studies, and photos of activities.


 1) Mission

  To realize the vision, FEB Usakti and Usakti Management Study Program developed the efforts stated in the four missions in the field of Tridarma PT and management that meetGood University Governance as outlined in the Strategic Plan and Renovation. Furthermore, from this mission set measurable goals and objectives as a reference in making a work program. Thus there is a close relationship between the vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies for achievement through work programs. The following is FEB Usakti’s mission:

  1. Increasing the participation of FEB Usakti in producing human resources who have intellectual abilities, international standards, and Trisakti University Trikrama characters through education and teaching activities.
  2.   Increase research activities to develop science, technology and art based on local values ​​to answer national problems and improve the quality of life and civilization.
  3.   Increasing the participation of FEB Usakti in supporting the needs of society and industry through community service activities.
  4.   Increasing the commitment of FEB Usakti in upholdinggood university governance.

Based on the Faculty’s mission, the scientific mission that is delivered, developed and implemented by the FEB Management Study Program is formulated as follows:

  1. Increasing the role of management study programs in producing human resources who have intellectual abilities, high professional skills, reliable entrepreneurs, bureaucrats with integrity, international standards and the Trikrama Trisakti character through education and teaching activities.
  2. Increasing research activities to develop knowledge based on international values ​​and local values ​​in order to answer national problems and improve the quality of life and civilization.
  3. Increasing the participation of management study programs in supporting the needs of the government and industry community through community service activities to strengthen intellectual abilities, high professional abilities, reliable entrepreneurs and bureaucrats with integrity.
  4. Increase the commitment of study programs to support its upholdinggood governance in the management of tridharma activities.

 2) Outputs and impact on stakeholders

 From the mission formulation of FEB and the USAKTI S1 Management study program above, it can be seen matters related to: a. outputs (producing human resources who have intellectual abilities, high professional skills, reliable entrepreneurs, bureaucrats with integrity, international standards and Trisakti character traits) and the impact of Tridharma activities in the economic and business fields (answering national problems and improving the quality of life and civilization), b. parties served and benefited (government and industry), and c. area of ​​work (local, national and international). Implementation of the mission into the OBE curriculum that can encourage students to be creative, innovative, collaborative, empathetic, multidisciplinary and global-minded, and capable of lifelong learning is expected to produce quality and competent graduates so they can work according to their expertise to advance economic and business activities. Research results that can help solve community problems and PKM activities that can meet community needs are a form of FEB Usakti’s commitment to realizing a mission that has a beneficial impact on stakeholders.

 3) Mission Uniqueness

 The implementation of the mission of the Faculty and Undergraduate Management Study Program through Tridharma’s various activities and works is based on Trisakti University’s Trikrama values ​​which include Piety, Diligence, Skilled, and Sharpening, Compassionate, Fostering and Satria, Loyal, Sportive. This is unique in realizing the mission of FEB and the Usakti Management Study Program. In addition, the uniqueness of the mission is also shown by the commitment of FEB and the Usakti Management Study Program in upholding itgood university governance. Governance (governance) is based on the principles of: accountability, transparency, non-profit, quality assurance, effectiveness and efficiency.

 4) Mechanisms in Compilation and Determination of Missions

The policy in preparing and determining the mission of the Usakti Faculty and Management Study Program also involves all stakeholders, both internal and external so that in its implementation it gets support from the stakeholders.stakeholders. As with the Vision, the mission drafting team was also determined through the FEB Usakti Dean’s Decree which consisted of the Dean and Deputy Deans, Heads and Secretaries of Study Programs, Lecturer Representatives, and Education Staff. FEB’s mission is stated in a concise, easy to remember, up-to-date and realistic manner which includes the tridharma activities of higher education.

5) Mission Review and Evaluation

 Policy review and evaluation of the mission of the Faculty and Management study program is carried out simultaneously with a review of the vision and mission by taking into account the interests of stakeholders (stakeholders) internal and external, consisting of lecturers, students, education staff, alumni, graduate users and professional associations. Thus, the stages of reviewing and evaluating the mission are the same as the stages of reviewing and evaluating the vision as previously explained.


 Bachelor of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University can role as first-line manager, entrepreneur, research assistant who:

  1. Have reliable managerial skills, have an entrepreneurial spirit that is oriented towards the future, has integrity, is able to think critically and creatively.
  2. Have the ability to self-development and adapt to changes in the dynamic global business environment.

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